Sunday, November 15, 2009

We're not in California anymore

Hope this email finds you well and enjoying November. November in Seattle has prompted us to bring out our raincoats, gloves, hats, and scarves - it is getting cold! Though the rain has been on and off, it has been between 45 and 50 degrees during the day, brrrrr!

With that being said, we are still loving it. The leaves changed to all shades of red, orange, and yellow and we are loving the beauty of the Northwest. I am still working away, caring for the infants who are getting bigger everyday and developing their own personalities. Adam is enjoying school and work, and is just about to finish up his first quarter. He's spending less and less time cuddling on the couch with me and more and more time with his head in the books.

We celebrated our first Halloween in Seattle with the creative help of our roommate Trixie, who transformed us into the three R's - Reading, Writing, and 'Rithmetic. Our costumes were a hit with all those we saw that night. My book opened into a pop up book, which made it a little hard to navigate around the room, but was a great conversation starter and in case you're wondering, the red hat is my "bookmark."

We are lucky enough to continue to have visitors to our new home, as both my parents traveled through since our last update. My dad was here on business and treated us to a great dinner, and my mom came up for a weekend to see the sights. We took her to Kerry Park to overlook the city, and she snapped a picture of us there as well. Despite how bundled up we are, the view is still unmatched.
At the end of the week, Adam's sister Jessica will be arriving for her first visit to the city. It is great to have family willing to brave the cold for us.

We took advantage of our Veteran's Day holiday and kicked off the Christmas season. We made breakfast for some friends (at which Christmas music and the movie Elf played in the background), and then went to see Disney's A Christmas Carol in IMAX 3D. It was a great movie, very true to the story, and we got to wear sweet, 3D glasses - what more could you want?!?
Now we need to get to the Christmas shopping...

With Thanksgiving right around the corner (I'll be cooking my first turkey ever!), we hope you know that we are thankful for your love and friendships and enjoy getting such thoughtful responses from you to these emails. We miss you and hope to hear from you soon!

Erin & Adam